Difference between performance management and appraisal. Performance management focusing on manage activities moreover appraisal management focusing on evaluating, observing and remark performance either by individual or group in organization. For examples difference between managing yourself and evaluate yourself. The managing yourself is effective management begins if when you manage yourself well, you are in a better position to achieve through others with than evaluate yourself more review own performance and do listing strength and weakness also this allow you to get what from your job.[1] From lecture note performance management is Employee performance management is the process of involving employees in accomplishing your agency’s mission and goals.
In additional, Jacky Swan, Maxine Robertson and Sue Newell, 2002 on their article in book edited by Stuart Barnes, said knowledge management is being lauded as an important new approach to the problems of competitiveness and innovation currently confronting organizations. The theoretical argument for the development in which knowledge is increasingly central to organization performance. Beside that from that case study also the practice knowledge management crate pilot research to several firm to come out what are the big problems face on ineffectiveness management. The result is the firm must be using technology such as IT- based knowledge management tools in facilitating process of innovation and promoting knowledge creations and the technology impact part of knowledge sharing and innovation.[2]
From that topic also, explain about stages of performance management start from plan, monitor, develop, review, and the last reward management planning. That is circle activities and continues apply an organization. From stages one is planning the performance until give reward if any good changing in productivity or to be better performance an organization, the reward not only consists in material but also non-monetary reward such as appreciate from others subordinates and top management. Planning is most important part because, if not planning might be the decision and implementation not alignment. On HRIS Performance planning at the start of the year and then periodically is the core of the performance management process. The performance plan should be a written document.
The measurement methods used to ensure that performance management perform an organization by the MBO measurement method. Management by Objectives was first outlined by Peter Ducker in 1954 in his book 'The practice of Management'. According to Ducker managers should avoid 'the activity trap', getting so involved in their day to day activities that they forget their main purpose or objective. One of the concepts of Management by Objectives was that instead of just a few top-managers, all managers of a firm should participate in the strategic planning process, in order to improve the implement ability of the plan. Another concept of MBO was that managers should implement a range of performance systems, designed to help the organization stay on the right track.
Requirement of effective performance management like relevant to job performance, distinguishes Effective and ineffective Performance also fair and acceptable. That four performance is result from analysis method measurement performance, individual, group and organization. Moreover, the role of technology gives a lot of support to activities performance management such as in three categories the web, third-party vendors and ERP providers. For examples on categories of web like i-space build from University’s Assets and Facilities Management Support system by Alias Abdullah, Muhammad Faris Abdullah and Muhammad Nur Azraei Shahbudin through their article. From introduction that article state the purpose that systems are to cater the needs and requirement of her population, the University established a development division to oversee planning and development of building and facilities within the campus area and also to ensure proper management of all her assets[3].
[2] Stuart Barnes, 2002 “knowledge management systems: theory and practice” Thomson Learning : pg 179-192
[3] Alias Abdullah, Kamalruddin Shamsuddin & Muhammad Faris Abdullah. 2004 “Applications of planning and decision support systems” IIUM, Malaysia . Pg 71